Propose a class

Contact us at with questions about proposing courses.

Proposal Instructions

Please use the application embedded in the CIM course form to propose a new or renew a current general education course. Additional information regarding accessing, proposing and editing courses can be found in the CIM User Resources folder.

Submit a General Education Course Application

The broad rules and expectations of general education courses in the ConnectED program are as follows:

  • Any unit may participate in general education. During the initial stage of ConnectED, no course prefix (e.g., RELS or SOCY) may have more than four courses in the program.
  • All general education courses must be open to all VCU students (i.e., no restrictions to major).
  • General education courses should not focus on skills, techniques, or procedures specific to a particular occupation or profession.
  • General education courses must be offered at least once per academic year, in either the fall or spring semesters (courses can also be offered over the summer, but not exclusively).
  • Prerequisites for general education courses must themselves also be part of the general education program.
  • General education courses must fulfill one of the Areas of inquiry. See descriptions in the VCU Bulletin.
  • Each general education course is expected to address two of the learning goals. All general education courses must participate in the assessment organized by the General Education Assessment Committee.
  • General education courses cannot also serve as core requirements of a major. Units wishing to offer courses as general education will have to choose to remove them as a core major requirement where applicable.


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