ConnectED structure and requirements

ConnectED provides students with both a wide range of knowledge, as well as encouraging them to explore in-depth, by focusing on specific areas of focus:

  • Foundations of Learning
  • Diversities in the Human Experience
  • Creativity, Innovation, and Aesthetic Inquiry
  • Global Perspectives
  • Scientific and Logical Reasoning

ConnectED requires students to complete 30 (minimum) credits, with the following breakdown:

  • 12-13 credits in the Foundations of Learning courses
  • 17-18 credits from the remaining four Areas of Inquiry by
    • Selecting at least one course from each area for a total of 12 credits
    • Selecting the remaining credits from any area so the total for the full general education set is at least 30 credits
    • Of the 17-18 credits taken across the four Areas of Inquiry, a minimum of three credits also must fulfill each of the basic Breadth of Knowledge requirements of natural science, social/behavioral science and humanities/fine arts course