FAQ for students and advisors
Below are answers to common questions that students (and their advisors) have about ConnectED.
Students are subject to the regulations in the Bulletin in effect at the time they enter VCU, so students enrolled before Fall 2021 will continue to be required to complete the previous general education requirements. If students choose to transfer to a newer bulletin, then the newer rules would apply. Students should discuss their questions with their academic adviser.
A course may not count as both a general education course and as a core course in a major. A core course in a major is one that is required for all students enrolled in the major, regardless of the particular track or concentration within the major they have chosen to complete. SCHEV requires that all students within a particular major have at least 25% of their major requirements (excluding general education) comprised of core major courses.
No. The new GenEd program is designed to be portable, so that if a student changes majors they will not be required to take additional GenEd courses. Changing majors may, however, require a student to take additional courses if those added courses are required as prerequisites for upper-division courses in the major.
Dual enrollment courses, courses taken at other colleges and transferred into VCU, and AP/IB/CLEP credits will continue to count for GedEd and other course requirements, as specified by the course articulation tables. Visit the Transfer Center website for more information.
No. Each course will be aligned with a single Area of Inquiry, although its content may link to multiple areas and skills.
General education is important for undergraduate students as it provides a broad-based understanding of the world, including different perspectives and ways of thinking. It helps students develop critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills that are essential for success in both their academic and professional lives. Through the process of assessment, we ensure that students are learning the skills that will promote success.
Not all students will be asked to participate in assessment efforts. Each of the learning goals is assessed once every three years. If your class is aligned to one of the goals being assessed, your instructor will walk you through the process. This will likely involve submitting an extra copy of an assignment in Canvas.